Dental Clinic

Best Dental Clinic Near You

This Dental Clinic, the Oraa Care Smile Dental Clinic is one of the largest Dental Clinic in Dwarka, equipped with all latest machines and equipments to serve the people of Dwarka in the best possible way.

Oraa Care Smile Dental Clinic in Dwarka is headed by Dr. Mrs. Pankaj Rao (B.D.S., M.D.S.). In the supervision on Dr. Mrs. Pankaj Rao and his team of specialists, this Dental Clinic is providing the best and affordable dental treatment in Dwarka and nearby areas. This Dental Clinic is equipped with all necessary equipments which assist Dentist during the treatment to make better decision and thus helps in choosing the best course of dental treatment.

Right from the inception of the Oraa Care Smile Dental Clinic, we developed the practice keeping in mind the patients requirements & have strived for excellence in treatment while ensuring maximum patient’s comfort. It has been our endeavour to constantly improve our skills & upgrade the office to meet the challenges of tomorrow. Our treatment meets high standards set for quality dental care & we assure you of lasting results.

Oraa Care Smile Dental Clinic (Dwarka) is equipped with:

  • Largest Dental Clinic in Dwarka
  • State of the Art Premium Quality Dental Chair
  • Five stage Sterilization Process to keep equipments infection free
  • Equipped with RVG (Radio Viso Graphy) & Intra-Oral Camera
  • Team of 7 Dental Specialists (M.D.S.) taking care of each and every patient in a best possible way
  • Comfortable and clean ambience

Articles and Case Report, Written by Dr. Yogesh Rao:

Articulators in Dentistry   |   Bar and Sleeve   |   Dentures   |   Endodontic   |   Eye Prosthesis   |   Internal JCDR   |   Micronucli JCDR   |   Multidisciplinary Approach in Severely Attrited Dentition   |   Nasal Prosthesis   |   Surgical And Prosthetic Management of Suction Cup Induced Palatal

Articles and Case Report, Written by Mrs. Pankaj Rao:

Molar   |   Articulators in Dentistry   |   Bar and Slleve   |   Dentures   |   DT Final Article   |   Full Mouth Malaysian Dental Yogesh   |   Immediate Esthetic Management of Complicated Crown   |   Jioh Anurag   |   Pankaj Irarian Endodontic   |   Rao Eye Prosthesis   |   Suction Cup Perforation   |   Yadav NDJ